Newsletter Febrero 2021
A continuación encontrarás las noticias más relevantes en la industria analítica, información generada por nuestro socio comercial Eurofins para el mes de febrero:
- Faster Sterility Testing
- Aviso cambio Razón Social Eurofins Testing Chile S.A.
- Amendment EU 2020/1245 of Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on food contact plastic materials
- Cellular & Molecular Biology Lab Expansion Coming
- Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing is recognized nationally as a 2021 Best Workplaces for Commuters
- The new EU Organic Regulation: three more legal acts published
- Authorisation and grace period for the use of Thiacloprid expired
- Dioxins and PCBs in food and feed - a solved topic?
- GMO I: Detection packages for genetically modified canola
- GMO II: Genetically modified cotton
- We check before you buy: why inspections are so important
- BIOFACH 2021 eSpecial: get personalised advice
- Food Legislation News, new Issue No 1/2021
- Webinars, Seminars, Trainings, Lectures and more
- Allergen Rapid Testing Solution Free Webinar
- Eurofins BioPharma Newsletter - Issue 28
- [WEBINAR] Best Practices for Managing COVID-19 in 2021
- SQF Code Edition 9: What You Need to Know
NOTA: Boletín de noticias en inglés
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Eurofins, Food Safety, Legislación, Productos Orgánicos, Material de Empaque, Pesticidas, Alimentos, Webinars