Newsletter Diciembre 2020
A continuación encontrarás las noticias más relevantes en la industria analítica, información generada por nuestro socio comercial Eurofins para el mes de diciembre:
- Sourcing gardening and oven gloves? How do you make sure the quality is fit for purpose?
- The deadline for adopting ZDHC MRSL V2.0 has been extended to the 1st April 2021
- Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing expands its virucidal testing capacity
- Labelling of allergen traces: the VITAL concept
- Fumigation of food during storage and transport
- Polar pesticides and contaminants in one method
- Nutri-Score – udate
- New maximum levels for 3-MCPD esters published in the EU
- PFAS increasingly in the spotlight of the European Food Safety Authority
- Amendment of the German guidelines for meat / meat products
- New maximum residue levels for sintofen in nuts and dried fruit
- COI Recognition of the Eurofins Olive Oil Panel
- Food Legislation News, new Issue No 6/2020
- New Allergen Lateral Flow Devices
- Food Safety Consulting Services
- Community masks | Tested quality
Nota: Contenido del boletín en inglés.
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Eurofins, Alérgenos, Plaguicidas, Inocuidad Alimentaria, Regulaciones, Mascarillas, Textiles, Guantes